
Guide for Community Rites of Passage

guideOur paradigm for a contemporary community-oriented Rite of Passage Experience© is a three-phase, six-year process for children, their parents/guardians and school, and the larger community. It uses the age-old model of a rite of passage experience process to address the real needs of today’s youth as they transition from childhood to adolescence to adulthood

ROPE® offers communities an effective, structured way to integrate and deploy their resources in the service of education and youth development. Communities using this model also have the opportunity to refine and customize the process to take advantage of their unique diversity and resources.

Through rites of passage in general and ROPE® specifically, young people come to understand that the community cares and is there to help them grow up well, and rites of passage and ROPE® inspires young adults to have a deep respect for themselves, the community, nature and the world around them.

To find out more information on the Rite Of Passage Experience© ROPE® Guide for Promoting Youth & Community Maturation & Health and further details on the 3 phase approach, visit our Learn More and Take Action section.