
Community Initiatives


A community’s rite of passage story emerges through civic engagement that builds “social capital” and continually unfolds and evolves in service to individuals and their community.

The Rite Of Passage Experience ROPE, Initiation of Scholars, Initiation into Play, Going from the "Me" to the "We" - giving back, community-service as part of a community's rite of passage experience and College ROPE are just a few of the strategies the Center has developed to invite conversations within a broad constituency of the community for co-learning to co-create their rite of passage.


The Rite of Passage Experience, also known as ROPE is the embodiment of the design principles found in the 20 element in the architectural structure for youth & community development through rites of passage provided by the Center. It is one of the primary design strategies and curriculum paths you can adapt to help organize and link your youth & community development efforts.

Initiation of Scholars

Good students are created, not born.

Children are naturally inquisitive and predisposed to learning about the mysteries of the universe. Their natural curiosity directs them to explore and learn about things that excite them. However, academic subjects may not, in and of themselves, generate enough interest to ignite and sustain a child’s natural curiosity and thirst for learning.

College ROPE

The Center offers the College ROPE to assist colleges and universities in enhancing their process of initiation for freshmen (first year) students. This on-campus efforts works to convene conversations, trainings and presentations for students and their families, student leaders, administrators, staff, and faculty.