Youth & community development through rites of passage recognizes that children come of age within several interconnected environments that require them to acquire different attitudes, skills and competencies for them to thrive in each setting. Schools are one of these environments. Schools offer opportunities for the initiatory process to unfold within a community-oriented rite of passage.
“We teach students not subjects.” (more…)
Posted in ROPEThe Conversations Continue
Florence, Italy
September 8, 2015
David G. Blumenkrantz, Ph.D., with Laura Remaschi, Ph.D.,
Ilana Bahbout, & Diego Galli
Children entering puberty is nature’s way of saying that something needs to happen. It needs to happen in ways that help children understand the normal physical changes that go along with entering adolescence. Children also need guidance and support to understand the psychological and emotional challenges, opportunities and social responsibilities. Parents too are confronted with the changes in their children during adolescence that impacts the entire family. (more…)
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It’t time for a Paradigm Shift – a fundamental change in beliefs, theory and approach – in developing community-centered responses to the challenges faced by today’s Youth & Community. More here>>