I arrived at England’s Heathrow airport early the other morning after an all night flight across the pond. Disoriented and half asleep the baggage carousel looked like a giant swiftly moving river. My bag floated by and I lunged to save it, dragging it over to the long line where I waited to clear customs. The stoic custom official’s inquisition into my country of origin jarred me into thinking about where I was from. Going from a sleepy trance to an official inquiry shifted my attention. Abruptly. I felt uncertain saying; “America.”
But No One Ever Wants To Change© 1
No one goes willingly into an initiation. Leaving a place that is familiar and entering the unknown is upsetting and causes considerable anxiety. Think about birth. This is the first initiation and rite of passage from the womb into the world. It is almost always announced with the screams from the newborn. A harrowing experience. And, that’s not just for the newborn, but for the mother, father and family as well!
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